
  • Age: ~1500
  • Gender: nonbinary
  • Pronouns: they/them
  • Orientation: aromantic asexual
  • Species: garm
  • Occupation: drummer

Basic Info

Admin is a garm and a former "prisoner of fate" doomed to herald the end of the world. They were eventually released from the bonds of fate, however, and have been slowly integrating with the human world. That's been tough, however, as they've spent more than a century and a half despising humans and everything they've stood for. But with the help of their friends, they're getting over it.

Once a calculating manipulator, Admin, thanks to being freed, is now subject to the whims of their emotions, and those emotions are usually anger. Now a pacifist and seeking to atone and integrate with society, however, they have found numerous outlets for that anger, such as through action painting, drumming, exercising, and breaking things. They are the drummer of Lesser Divinities, and they run the record swap.

As a garm, Admin can shapeshift into a huge, pitch-black wolf creature, but now refuses to take that form, remaining mostly in their humanoid shape. They live with their roommates Ulda and Vela. They're terrified of physical intimacy but they're getting a little better at it.

Physical Description

Always wears dark clothing and has incredibly black hair. Their eyes are sour and angry. They're tall and slender, with a good amount of muscle tone. Their clothing often bears a chain link motif, and their right wrist has an old loop of chain worn around it like a bracelet.

As a garm, Admin looks like a huge black wolf, but they never transform all the way anymore. At most they'll transform their head, which becomes massive and has red eyes.

Admin actually dresses for the seasons (as opposed to many of their friends) and will wear heavy jackets in winter and tank tops in summer. The distressed black jeans are eternal, however.